Best tank to start with in world of tanks blitz
Best tank to start with in world of tanks blitz

Next is the countdown timer which indicates the time left during a match. The first detail is the team panel (Green) that highlights the number of tanks on your team. The first three elements are located at the topmost portion of the screen.

best tank to start with in world of tanks blitz

There are 15 elements that you should be mindful of when looking at the Battle Screen. Unlike the garage, you should be more mindful or alert when looking at the battle screen since it will only appear during live battles. Much like the garage, the battle screen has its own set of details (see image below) that you need to watch out for. Once you click the BATTLE button, the game will immediately redirect you to the battle queue which will eventually take you straight to the battlefield. The tech tree also displays the historical order of each tank. The fifth is the TECH TREE which contains the details of each tank including their country of origin. The fourth is the upgrades that will help you with upgrading your tanks. The third is the Battle button which when clicked will direct you to the battle queue. Next is the CREW which indicates the health or the current status of your tank crew. World of Tanks Blitz The Garage Explained This is important since The World of Tanks Blitz is an online game. First is the PING which displays the quality of your connection. With that in mind, we created an overview of the five main elements that you should keep in mind when you’re in the garage. The garage page is populated with various details that may confuse new players. As indicated in the image above, the garage is your main go-to if you want to check stats, make purchases, chat with other players, and upgrade your tanks. In the case of World of Tanks Blitz that would be the Garage. Like any other game out there, your first mission is to understand the basic structure or mechanics of the game. So, without further ado, feel free to browse through our infographics below.

best tank to start with in world of tanks blitz

This World of Tanks Blitz tank ultimate beginner’s guide for 2022 will help you keep up with the veterans who are currently dominating the platform. With that said, if you are one of the new players who recently stumbled upon this game and want to have some sort of guide to help you with your progression, then you are on the right page. Since its inception, this action game has managed to grow its online community consistently. With over 100 million downloads across various gaming platforms, World of Tanks Blitz is hands down one of the biggest titles when it comes to armored warfare.

Best tank to start with in world of tanks blitz